
Welcome to readers and followers. If you are a follower of this blog, or just reading it, you can truly say, that you are reading or following, the right thing! That should make a person feel good. Another right thing that I wish for you. [I hope you don't dislike puns too much. A long time ago, a friend and I had them down to a fine point. And they were fun at that time. I more rarely use them now, but sometimes I can't resist.]

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Advice Nuggets

There are nuggets of advice/wisdom I've picked up along the way that sounded good to me; something to remember as words to live by. This is one of those nuggets [and I will probably add others to this blog, as they surface in my mind] is the following; though I don't recall where I read it.

"Anything that won't bend will break."

I decided long ago that I didn't want to break, so I visualize the willow, which bends with the wind, and rises straight again with its passing.


  1. That is a good piece of advice and I think it does apply to life. To take that thought one step further; it is very helpful for each person to know which way is "straight" again. I have a sense from a great many people today that they don't really know who that are. So, when they bend with the wind they just stay that way until the next wind bends them in another direction.

  2. Your comment that “… it is very helpful for each person to know which way is straight again,” is very true. As is the further comment of “…blowing with the wind.” That, I think may be the problem, instead of ‘bending in the wind,’ they are blowing with the wind, rolling before it, losing their compass point, and might be likened to tumbling weeds, rather than the willow. I really appreciate your comments.
